Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Hey, it stands all by itself. Look Ma, no scaffolding.

We see this same view when we look out our bedroom window.

We really had to scramble to paint the trim that was only accessible by scaffold while the stucco guys put on the final colour coat. They were practically removing the scaffolding out from under us. The bottom trim that's still white? We'll get to it later - not a priority as it's easy to reach.

So, what do you think of the colour? Leave a comment & let us know. (click on the word "comment" at the bottom of this post)

We're finding the colour a little on the bland side so need a great colour for the front door. Any suggestions? My brain's on overload & can't decide.

Now all we need is a little gargoyle to sit right here.


Quipay Adventures said...

My first choice of colour would be red. This will go with your current house colours and set the house apart from the rest.. Just a thought

Anonymous said...

I'd go with purple in the color of eggplant. I love the black trim and I really don't think that your house looks that bland.

Jem said...

Your suggestions are great. Shelly, you read my mind, I'm actually leaning towards an eggplanty purple. Now just have to find the perfect eggplant.